Our Mission:

教育部的课程旨在培养知识渊博、技能娴熟的专业人士,他们致力于社会正义,为所有年龄段的学习者提供服务, families, and communities. 我们提供综合的课程作业和实地经验,支持学生在理论和实践之间建立有意义的联系. Our students use reflection, creativity, criticality, 以及以研究为基础的实践,追求学术卓越,造福大众. 作为美国第一个公共资助的教师培训项目, 我们始终坚信,创新和反应迅速的公共教育和服务对一个社会公正的世界至关重要.

Student in Education Video
Education Video

We offer undergraduate, 后学士学位和研究生教育计划,导致马萨诸塞州的初级和专业教育执照. 获得马萨诸塞州联邦中小学教育局(DESE)许可, 我们的教育项目被美国大学评为全国最高水平.S. Department of Education (Title II first quartile). We also offer the major in Child and Family Studies, 专为有兴趣与幼儿及其家庭一起工作的学生设计,作为学前教师或行政人员, childcare, 早期干预或其他社区项目.

我们的大学有很多资源可以帮助你做好准备. 实习安置办公室将帮助你建立你的实习前和实习经验的领域. The Centers for Early Childhood Education 为有兴趣教幼儿的学生提供教学实验室. The Chris Walsh Center 为您提供实习机会,并与当地家庭和教育工作者一起服务学习经验. CASA offers general tutoring and writing support. Framingham State’s membership in the Kappa Delta Pi 教育荣誉社团为同修提供奖学金、职业和社交机会. 

我们是一个容纳不同文化背景的人的机构, perspectives, and experiences are welcomed, respected, valued, and supported. 当教育费用对许多家庭来说已经变得难以承受的时候, 十大网赌信誉平台自豪地保持了高质量和可负担性. 我们期待着欢迎您加入我们的学习者社区.

Spotlight on Education

Spotlight on Education

Dr. Wardell Powell
Dr. Wardell Powell

Dr. Wardell Powell

Associate Professor

Dr. Powell is lead author, along with Dr. Kelly Matthews, on a $1.700万美国服务队拨款建立弗雷明汉教师实习项目. 他还于2022年秋季被选为临时首席多元化和包容性办公室(CDIO)。, 在推进FSU的包容性承诺方面发挥领导作用, equity, anti-racism, and diversity across the institution at the student, faculty, and staff levels.

Framingham Teacher Residency Program

Selin Aktas
Selin Aktas

Selin Aktas

Transfer Student, Elementary Education Major

我选择十大网赌信誉平台是因为它的教育项目评价很高. 很长一段时间以来,我一直对这个领域充满热情,我认为我的学习方式非常适合这个项目.

Kelsey Carvalho
Kelsey Carvalho

Kelsey Carvalho ('21, B.S. in Child and Family Studies)



从十大网赌信誉平台毕业后,我一直在聋人学习中心工作。, where I started as an intern my senior year. 我在几个不同的部门工作过,现在在TLC的瓦尔登学校担任首席寄宿儿童保育工作者. 我很感谢我在FSU建立的人脉关系,这对我的职业生涯有帮助!

Photo of Susan Dargan

Susan Dargan

Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral & Social Sciences, Education Department
Photo of Brenda Maurao

Brenda Maurao

Lecturer, Education Department
Photo of Julie Zoino-Jeannetti, Ph.D.

Julie Zoino-Jeannetti, Ph.D.

Professor, Education Department
Kelly Matthews

Kelly Matthews, Ph.D.


Contact Information:

O’Connor Hall 126
508-626-4734 - fax

teachereducation [at] terwonne.com (teachereducation[at]framingham[dot]edu)


Chris Walsh Center Logo

The Chris Walsh Center


Accreditation and Program Approval Information

In order to achieve high standards of excellence, 我们鼓励培养知识渊博的教师, skillful, caring, inclusive, ethical and professional. The philosophy, 我们课程的目标和目的与马萨诸塞州联邦制定的专业标准相一致,这些标准是为通过州际认证契约为教师执照和互惠执照的候选人准备的课程批准所要求的.

Susan Dargan, PhD

Dean of Education and Social and Behavioral Sciences

O'Connor Hall 302
508 626 4867 (Phone)
508 626 4040 (Fax)

sdargan [at] terwonne.com


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